Buyer is responsible for confirming that this product's intended crop use site is consistent with the label and any additional regulatory guidelines. All sales final except for damaged shipments which must be reported within 12 hours of receipt.
Double Nickel™ LC is a broad-spectrum preventative biofungicide/bactericide for control or suppression of fungal and bacterial plant diseases. The active ingredient of Double Nickel™ LC is a naturally occurring strain (D747) of the beneficial bacterium Bacillus amyloliquefaciens. Double Nickel™ LC also colonizes plant root hairs, preventing establishment of disease-causing fungi and bacteria. Double Nickel™ LC can be applied alone or in combination and/or rotation with chemical fungicides as a tool for integrated disease management in agricultural crops, ornamental and nursery plants, and turfgrass. Double Nickel™ LC offers a valuable tool for management of resistance to chemical fungicides through its multiple and unique modes of action. Double Nickel™ LC can be applied up to and including the day of harvest.