Eco-1 Garden Spray (Botanical Insect, Mite & Disease Control)
Eco-1 Garden Spray (Botanical Insect, Mite & Disease Control)

Eco-1 Garden Spray (Botanical Insect, Mite & Disease Control)

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Eco-1™ Garden Spray Concentrate is a blend of botanical oils which provides a broad-spectrum, contact control of fungal diseases, insects, and mites. • For use on all plants including but not limited to vegetables, fruits, herbs & spices, roses, flowers & ornamentals, houseplants, trees, & shrubs. • Prevents and suppresses fungal attack of plant tissues by disrupting the cell wall of spores and hyphae. • Kills by contact, all stages of soft-bodied insects – eggs, larvae, nymphs, adults. • For best results, maintain constant agitation in spray equipment. • The use of adjuvants, surfactants, and/or penetrants is not required when using this product. • For optimal performance, do not mix with cold water (less than 45° F). • Can be used throughout the growing season including the same day as harvest. • Can be used on both indoor and outdoor plants and in greenhouses. • Low impact on beneficial insects. Avoid direct contact. • To make one quart of Eco-1 Garden Spray mixture, add 3 fl. oz. of Eco-1 Garden Spray Concentrate and 29 fl. oz of water. • 8 fl. oz. of Eco-1 Garden Spray Concentrate makes up to 2 gallons of solution. • 32 fl. oz. of Eco-1 Garden Spray Concentrate makes up to 8 gallons of solution.