Azasol (Insecticide) - 2lb Container - OMRI Listed for Organic Use

Azasol (Insecticide) - 2lb Container - OMRI Listed for Organic Use

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Buyer is responsible for confirming that this product's intended crop use site is consistent with the label and any additional regulatory guidelines.  All sales final except for damaged shipments which must be reported within 12 hours of receipt.  

AzaSol is an OMRI Listed, broad spectrum insecticide which can be applied every 10-14 days. A 2 lb container of AzaSol treats 2-8 acres. 

AzaSol is a water soluble powder which comes from the highest quality Neem*. Through its patented production process, AzaSol provides an exceptionally potent, non-oil based, and environmentally friendly insect control solution. 


-  6% Azadirachtin offers highest active ingredient
-  No oily residue or clogging of equipment
-  Won’t burn leaves or block photosynthesis
-  Systemic & translaminar (absorbed through leaves)
-  OMRI Listed for organic use

Effective Against the Following Pests:

Aphids, Whiteflies, Leafminers, Scale, Mealybugs, Thrips, Psyllids, Bugs, Flies, Sawflies, Caterpillars, Beetles, Weevils, Borers, Mole Crickets, Mushrooms Flies, Pests of Turf Grass and more.

* What is Neem? Neem is a tree native to India, Azadirachta indica. The seeds contain the active ingredient Azadirachtin, which is a proven natural anti-feedant, growth regulator, anti-ovipositor, and insect repellent. Neem oil is widely used in organic insect control, but in the oil form can cause clogging and burning and often has minimal active  ingredient.