CHRYSOforce R (Chrysopa carnea)
CHRYSOforce R (Chrysopa carnea)

CHRYSOforce R (Chrysopa carnea)

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Also known as the green lacewing, Chrysoperla rufilabris.
  • Orders are fulfilled on Tuesdays and delivered on the following Tuesday. Orders that are received after 12 PM, MT on Tuesday will  be placed the following Tuesday and delivered ~2 weeks from order date.  
  • These shipments have live specimens so they will need to be distributed the day they are received. 
  • Please check bug viability and reach out within 24 hours if bugs are not viable for a replacement order. 
  • Please contact if you have any questions 

They will eat anything and everything they can catch, and they are always hungry!
Does not control Root Aphids.

What They Target:

  • Many Aphid Species
  • Many Mealybug Species
  • Spider mites
  • Many Thrips Species
  • Whiteflies (eggs/juveniles)
  • Eggs of Many Pests Species