Rango 2.5 Gallon
Rango 2.5 Gallon

Rango 2.5 Gallon

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Buyer is responsible for confirming that this product's intended crop use site is consistent with the label and any additional regulatory guidelines.  All sales final except for damaged shipments which must be reported within 12 hours of receipt.

For control of foliar and soil insects and fungal diseases. For use in vegetables, fruits, tree crops, grapes, greenhouses, ornamental plants, nurseries, and other listed plants.

Active Ingredient: Cold Pressed Neem Oil.........70.0%  Other Ingredients ..................30.0% 

RangoTM is an emulsifiable concentrate containing cold pressed neem oil for the broad spectrum control of listed pests in vegetables, fruits, tree crops, grapes, ornamental plants, greenhouses, and other listed plants. RangoTM is exempted from the requirement of a tolerance and may be applied to listed food and non-food crop up to and including the day of harvest. • Thorough coverage is key to providing good insect, mite and disease control. • For best results maintain constant agitation in spray tank and apply immediately. • For optimal performance do not mix with cold water (less than 45°F). • The recommended pH range of the spray water is between 5.5 – 7 for optimal performance. If needed, adjust by adding a pH modifier. • Application in early morning/late evening is recommended to minimize the potential for leaf burn. • Do not apply under high humidity and temperature conditions >90°F. • Do not apply to wilted or stressed plants and newly germinated or transplanted crops prior to root establishment. • Use with care on plants with tender tissue. Test on a small area prior to broader use. • Do not apply to sensitive plant species such as poinsettias, impatiens, hibiscus flowers, certain carnation and rose flower species, ornamental olive trees and comice pear. • Weather conditions, intensity, type and physical stages of the pests, and treated crop can influence the degree of product efficacy. • DO NOT apply sulfur or sulfur containing products within 14 days of a RangoTM application.